Overcoming Obstacles

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Lesson 3: Staying Healthy


  • Students will recognise that diet, sleep, and exercise affect their efforts to achieve a goal.

  • Students will discuss how a balanced diet affects their health and well-being.

  • Students will discuss how exercise and sleep affect their health and well-being.

  • Students will create weekly plans for eating well, sleeping regularly, and exercising.


  • Session 1: One copy of the “Getting Ahead (A)” and “Getting Ahead (B)” activity sheets cut into squares, for a total of 32 squares (Part I)

  • Session 1: A cap, hat, or small basket to hold the squares (Part I)

  • Session 1: One copy of the “MyPlate” activity sheet for each student (Part II) 

  • Session 2: One copy of the “My Action Plan” activity sheet for each student (Part III)

SESSION 1 | Starter

4 Minutes

Give students the following scenario:

Sammy purchased an expensive car. He believes the car runs so well that it doesn’t require any care. Sammy doesn’t wash the car or take care of the engine. He buys the cheapest brand of petrol and doesn’t fill the tank regularly. Over time the engine starts running poorly.

Ask, “What do you think will happen to the car?” (It will break down.)

Say, “A car is a machine, and without proper care, the machine breaks down. What do you think happens when the machine is well taken care of?” (It runs well.)

Tell students that the human body runs exactly the same way. If you take good care of it, it will run very well for a long time. If not, it breaks down.

Explain that in today’s session, students will learn how to keep their bodies running well.

SESSION 1 | Part I: Getting Ahead

30 Minutes

Purpose: Students identify how diet, sleep, and exercise affect their efforts to achieve a goal.

1. Students play a game that emphasises the importance of healthy living.

Before class, cut the two “Getting Ahead” activity sheets into individual squares.

Count the steps from wall to wall.

Explain that the goal of the game is for students to reach the wall on the other side of the room.

Instruct students to line up against one wall. Have them pick a square, read the square aloud, and take the number of steps indicated.

Once each student has drawn and read a square, give the following directions:

  • Raise your hand if you had a square that said you consumed junk food or that you drank a softdrink or coffee. All those with their hands up must now take the indicated steps backward.
  • Raise your hand if you have a square that says you ate healthy food, did exercise, or had a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.
  • Raise your hand if you had a square that said you stayed up late—regardless of the reason. All those with their hands up must now take three steps backward.

Invite students to pick another square. When the squares are gone, collect them in the cap and continue the game.  Continue in this manner until most students have reached the other side of the room.

2. Students make observations about the game.

Ask questions to help students generate observations about the game:

  • What types of things helped people cross the room quickly? (They were helped by eating healthy food, getting a full night’s sleep, and getting some exercise.)
  • What types of things slowed people down? (They were slowed down by eating junk food, drinking a softdrink and coffee, staying up late, and sitting around watching TV.)
  • Why do you think these behaviours might keep people from getting ahead in real life?

Explain that foods high in sugar and caffine give a burst of energy, which the body quickly uses. When this happens, the person feels a drop in energy—they actually end up feeling tired and lethargic.

Ask students to give examples of how sleep and exercise might affect a person’s level of energy, mood, and performance.

Explain that eating and sleeping well, along with physical activity, are the factors that enable people to look and feel their best, because these things create energy.

SESSION 1 | Part II: Creating Energy

15 Minutes

Purpose: Students learn what constitutes a balanced diet and how it affects their health.

1. Students analyse the benefits of a balanced diet.

Introduce the concept of a balanced diet by asking questions:

  • Does the food you eat affect your energy level and your ability to do things well? (Yes.)
  • What does it mean to have a balanced diet? (A balanced diet means eating a variety of healthy foods per the recommended quantities.)
  • What are some benefits of eating a balanced diet? (Eating a balanced diet allows you to think better; gives your body the nutrients it needs to work and grow, so that your brain can do its job; helps you to look your best; keeps your skin healthy; and makes your hair and bones stronger.)

2. Students learn about important food groups.

Distribute copies of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Ask students to explain why they think this diagram is in the shape of a plate. (Students should mention that the design shows them what their own meals should look like.) Then, briefly discuss each section of the chart:

  • Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties Proteins and carbohydrates are important for creating energy. Half of the grains we eat should be whole (e.g., whole-grain bread).
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Vegetables and fruits are high in vitamins and nutrients. They help the body fight infections and diseases. Fruits are also a source of sugar, which gives the body energy when eaten in small amounts. Notice how much space these two sections take up. It is recommended that you consume 2 fruits and 5 servings of vegetables per day.
  • Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans are important sources of proteins, which are considered the building blocks of the body.
  • Dairy: A serve from the dairy food group is a cup (250ml) of milk, three-quarters of a cup (200g) yoghurt, two slices (40g) of cheese and half a cup (120g) of ricotta cheese’ (Dairy.com.au, 2020)

The Guidelines at the bottom of the poster include the Use small amounts and Sometimes foods. These are recommended in moderation and not a part of the daily five food groups. Remember to drink plenty of water.

3. Students reflect on the foods they eat.

Ask students to list on a sheet of paper what they ate yesterday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They should also list snacks they may have eaten.

Ask students to compare their lists of foods with those listed on the “Australian Guide to Healthy Eating” diagram, and to circle or add each item of food to the diagram.

Have students analyse their food intake. 

Tell students to save their activity sheets for use in the next class. 

SESSION 2 | Part I: Review

8 Minutes

Display the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating Poster.

Remind students of the following:

  • The foods they eat affect their energy levels and their ability to do things well.
  • Two other factors can affect their energy levels and their ability to do things well: exercise and sleep.

SESSION 2 | Part II: Creating More Energy

20 Minutes

Purpose: Students identify how exercise and sleep affect their health and well-being.

1. Students analyse the benefits of exercise.

Ask students the following questions about exercise:

  • What does exercise do to your level of energy and the flow of oxygen to your brain? (Exercise increases your energy. It increases the flow of oxygen to your brain, which makes your mind work more effectively.)
  • What does exercise do for your bodily tissues and organs, including muscles and bones? (Exercise strengthens muscles, bones, and other bodily tissues and organs.)
  • Does the body work better if it is used more? (Yes. The body is like a machine that works better if it works more.)
  • Have you ever noticed that if you are angry or upset about something, going out and doing something often makes you feel better? Why do you think this is? (Exercise relieves the body of tension and stress.)

2. Students brainstorm a list of physical activities.

Begin a discussion about exercise by asking students to describe the kinds of exercise or physical activities they enjoy. List responses on the board. Remind students that exercise does not have to be a sport. They can climb the stairs instead of taking an elevator, or walk or ride a bike instead of riding in a car.

Explain that young people have 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily, whether they walk, run, dance, skateboard, etc.

Leave the list of activities on the board. Students will refer to them during the activity in Part III of this session.

Instruct students to engage in stretching exercises. Students are encouraged to share ones they know.

3. Students recognise the importance of sleep.

Take a quick poll to determine how long most students sleep each night. Ask for a show of hands from those who sleep about ten hours each night, then from those who sleep nine, eight, seven, or six hours. If these hours seem to reflect the majority of the class, make the observation that most students seem to sleep between six and ten hours per night.

Point out that young people usually need about ten hours of sleep each night, but this can vary from person to person. Ask students to identify techniques for getting a good night’s sleep. Prompt students to respond by asking questions such as the following:

  • Is the body resting when it is digesting food? (Your body cannot rest when it is busy digesting food. Don’t eat heavily before going to sleep.)
  • Is it easy or hard to fall asleep when you have a lot on your mind? (It’s hard, so you should relax before going to sleep. If you have a lot on your mind, write in your journal or meditate. Do whatever will help you feel that you’ve done all you can today—you’ll have tomorrow to tackle more.)
  • Do light and noise stimulate your mind? (Your mind won’t be able to relax if you continue to stimulate it; if your mind is awake, so is your body. Sleep in a quiet, dark room.)

4. Students role-play and reflect.

Ask students to demonstrate how they’d act in the following situations if they didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Read each situation, and then have a student act it out:

  • Leave the room, and then come back in and take a seat as though this is your last class of a long school day.
  • The elevator is out of service, and you must walk up to the fifth floor.
  • Your parent wants you to clean your room.

After each role play, have students describe the energy level, mood, and level of performance demonstrated by the student.

Point out that after a full day of work in school and at home, and activities with friends and family, our bodies need time to rest and mend. This is especially important when our bodies are going through periods of change and growth. Point out that when you have had little sleep you are more likely to be irritable. Ask students if they are more likely to get into an argument or a fight when they are irritable. 

SESSION 2 | Part III: Take Action!

20 Minutes

Purpose: Students create individual plans for eating well, sleeping regularly, and exercising.

1. Students create customised food plans.

Have students visit www.eatthismuch.com and enter the appropriate information to create their own customised daily food plans. Have students print out or take note of their results.

When they are finished, distribute copies of the “My Action Plan” activity sheet, and divide the class into groups of four or five students. Explain that students will spend about 10 minutes brainstorming in groups before working individually to fill out the activity sheet. Suggest that members of each group do the following:

  • Make lists of foods they like to eat.
  • Compare their lists with their customized daily food plans to see how their favourite foods fit into the plans.
  • Make a list of the physical activities they like to do.
  • Refer to the list of activities on the board for suggestions.

2. Students make individual action plans.

Tell students to fill out their copies of the “My Action Plan” activity sheet. Suggest that they use pencils to write so they can adjust their plans as the week progresses. Encourage students to create lists of foods for breakfast, lunch, and snacks so that they can choose appropriate foods from the lists for each meal. The goal is to create a balanced diet. Suggest that students leave the dinner menus open and fill them in at the end of each day.

SESSION 2 | Conclusion

2 Minutes

Ask students how often they will review their action plans. Have students describe how to live a healthy lifestyle. Elicit from students the following key points that were taught in this lesson:

  • When you are healthy, you look, feel, think, and do your best.
  • The food you eat affects your energy level and your health.
  • Exercise increases your energy, strengthens your body, and relieves stress.
  • Sleep is essential to good health. The amount of sleep you get affects your mood, energy level, and performance. 

Student Assessment


  1. List three reasons why it is a good idea to avoid eating foods with too much caffeine or sugar.
  2. Name the five food groups? 
  3. What does it mean to have a balanced diet? Why is it important to have a balanced diet?


  1. List three positive effects that exercise has on your health.
  2. Aside from playing a sport, list four ways you can exercise.
  3. List three results of not getting enough sleep.
  4. List three things you can do to help yourself sleep well.

Extensions for Lesson 3: Staying Healthy

Using Quotations

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” 

Have students draw themselves as if they literally appear to be what they eat.

Addressing Multiple Learning Modes

For one week, have students track the moderate to physical activity they get each day, the number of hours they sleep each night, and the kinds of foods they eat. Have them create graphs showing this information. Have students compare their bar graphs with their personal journals to look for correlations between performance and health habits.

Writing in Your Journal

Have students keep a daily journal for one week. This journal should include entries about school, friends, and/or home. Students should also note if each day was good or bad. Have students compare their entries with their exercise, sleep, and diet graphs. Discuss the correlations as a group.

Using Technology

Have students prepare a healthy dish that’s a family favourite or reflects their cultural heritage. Have them bring the dishes in to share with the class. Have students type recipes on a computer to create a class recipe book.


Have students research various forms of exercise. They should include noncompetitive exercise from other cultures, like yoga and tai chi. Have students share their research with the class and teach a new exercise.

Additional Activity

Have students create an exercise program for a friend or family member that can be completed at home with everyday objects.

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