Overcoming Obstacles

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Lesson 4: Following the Interview


  • Students will recognize the importance of following up after an interview.

  • Students will identify the elements of strong thank-you emails.

  • Students will write thank-you emails.


  • Images of a well wrapped present and a poorly wrapped present (Starter)


3 Minutes

Find images of a well wrapped present and a poorly wrapped present. Display to students. Ask students which of the presents they would want to receive. Students will respond that the beautifully wrapped package makes a better impression. Reveal to the class that both boxes contain the same item, but, as the class noted, the beautiful wrapping is more desirable and makes that package more appealing.

Explain to students that when they close an interview and follow-up, they need to make a good final impression. Explain that it just might make them stand out from the crowd.

Part I: The End

20 Minutes

Purpose: Students learn the importance of interview follow-up.

1. Students identify the final steps of the interview process.

Explain that the next step of the interview process is to find out when the company expects to make a decision about hiring. Suggest that students ask an interviewer before finishing: When am I likely to hear the outcome? 

Explain that if an interviewer states that they will call, students should make clear when and where they can be reached.

2. Students learn to conclude their interview with a thank-you.

Tell students to imagine that they answered every question well during an interview because they were prepared. Ask students to describe what they would do as the interview is ending.

Remind students that their interviewer has taken time out of the day to find out more about the student, so it’s important to acknowledge that. Elicit from the class that this is the time to thank the person for the opportunity to meet with them and learn about the company. Point out that this is an appropriate time to shake hands again.

3. Students practice what to do at the end of an interview.

Ask students to find a partner. Explain that the pairs will have five minutes to practice the following steps to ending an interview well:

  • State when and where the employer can reach you.
  • Ask about making a follow-up telephone call.
  • Thank the interviewer for their time.
  • Shake the interviewer’s hand.

Have the partners take turns playing interviewer and interviewee.

When students finish, ask them to identify what was done well and what could be improved.

Part II: Thank You, Thank You

25 Minutes

Purpose: Students identify the elements of strong thank-you emails and incorporate these elements into their own emails.

1. Students recognize the value of thank-you emails.

Explain to students that even after they have left an interview, there is still more they can do to increase their chances of landing the job. Ask students to identify a step that they could take to impress an interviewer. (Students should say they have to write a thank-you email.)

Tell students that the best time to write the email is immediately following their meeting, while the details of the interview are still fresh in their minds. 

Ask students to identify the purpose of writing thank-you emails. Establish that thank-you emails are an opportunity for students to emphasize their strengths as they relate to a job, add any information that they may have forgotten to mention, express appreciation to the interviewer, and reiterate their interest in a job opening.

2. Students identify the parts of a thank-you email.

Distribute the “Interview Thank-You Email” activity sheet to each student. Ask students to study it carefully and identify the parts of the email.

Distribute the “Parts of a Business Email” activity sheet to each student. Read the explanations out loud. Explain to students that they are to keep and use the handout to help them write business emails in the future.

3. Students examine the content of a thank-you email.

Explain to students that a good thank-you email has the following content:

  • A thank-you comment
  • Confirmation of interest in the job
  • Reiteration of how the student’s strengths and talents relate to the job
  • Any further information that may be helpful or important
  • A specific reference to the interview
  • A statement confirming the student’s willingness to answer any other questions
  • Follow-up information about where and when to contact the student

Ask volunteers to read the corresponding sections from the sample email.

4. Students write a draft of a thank-you email.

Instruct students to draft thank-you emails to their role-playing partners from Part I.


3 Minutes

Ask students to explain the roles of thank-you emails and follow-up phone calls in interviews. Elicit from students the following key points that were taught in this lesson:

  • In ending an interview, it is important to be confident and to thank the interviewer for their time.
  • A post-interview thank-you email provides an opportunity to reemphasize strengths and to clarify any points made during an interview.

Student Assessment


  1. List three things you should say or do at the end of an interview.
  2. Why should you write a thank-you email?

Extensions for Lesson 4: Following the Interview

Using Quotations

“A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls…just to save it from drying out completely.” 

Have students talk about the “mulch” of friendship and the ways in which this idea can be applied to business relationships.

Addressing Multiple Learning Modes

Have students write rap lyrics that reiterate their qualifications and thank their interviewer.

Have volunteers read or perform their lyrics aloud. Have students explain why reiterating their qualifications is important.

Writing in Your Journal

Have students write about the importance of a thank-you they gave or received.

Using Technology

Have students create thank you notes for two people who have assisted them throughout their schooling.


Have students write a thank-you note to a mentor or community member who has made a presentation to the class.

Additionally have students write a thank you note to a person who helped them on their Overcoming Obstacles journey across the years.

Additional Activity

Have students create a gratitude Wordle.

Activity Sheet

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