Overcoming Obstacles

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Lesson 2: Gathering Information


  • Students will recognize the importance of gathering relevant facts and ignoring irrelevant information when making a decision.

  • Students will learn that their prior experiences can direct them to good sources of information.

  • Students will apply the step of gathering information to the planet exploration simulation.


  • A cardboard box filled with various small items, including string, paper clips, toothpicks, one or two red items, and one or two blue items (Part I)

  • One copy of the “Planet Exploration Hidden Biographies” activity sheets for each role-playing volunteer (Each volunteer receives a unique biography.) (Part III)

  • Planet Exploration sleeves (Part III)

  • One copy of the “Planet Exploration Biographies” activity sheet for each group (Part III)


3 Minutes

Explain to students, that in order to make an effective and informed decision, it is important to collect as much information as possible.

Part I: The Box

10 Minutes

Purpose: Students recognize the importance of gathering relevant facts and ignoring irrelevant information when making a decision.

1. Students complete a task using relevant information.

Explain to students that you have a challenge for them. Draw their attention to the box containing the various small items.

Ask for a volunteer to come to the box. Inform the volunteer that they have 10 seconds to connect a red item and a blue item using paper clips, strings, or other items from the box. Dump the contents of the box on the floor or the table and say, “Go!” When 10 seconds have passed or when the student is finished, ask if anyone sees other solutions. Have these students connect the red and blue items they suggest.

2. Students discuss the importance of using relevant information to make decisions.

When students have exhausted combinations, ask students why no one attached irrelevant items. For example, hold up two items that were not red or blue and say, “Why didn’t you connect these?” You might also hold up another item and ask, “Why didn’t anyone use this to connect a red and a blue object?” Elicit from students that these things did not fulfill the requirements of the challenge.

Ask students why the solution was so easy. Elicit from them that they had the knowledge to recognize what was important in this exercise and what did not fit the solution. Point out that to make a good decision, one must have the relevant facts and ignore information that is unrelated.

Part III: Planet Exploration: Exploring Alternatives

30 Minutes

Purpose: Students apply the step of gathering information to the planet exploration simulation.

1. Volunteers prepare character roles for the planet exploration simulation.

Explain to students that they are now going to return to the planet exploration simulation to practice gathering information from different sources.

Ask for 10 volunteers to play special roles in this activity. Assign each volunteer a character to role-play. Give each volunteer one of the “Planet Exploration Hidden Biographies” activity sheets and ask them to read the hidden biographical information quietly. Explain that the activity will require them to answer questions related to their characters. Instruct them to answer truthfully, creatively, and in character if there is a question not covered in the hidden biography. Instruct each volunteer to write down the answers to the questions they are asked during the activity so that they can give consistent information to any groups that ask similar questions.

2. Students receive biographical information about the characters in the simulation.

Have students return to their simulation groups; then, distribute the planet exploration sleeves. Review the planet exploration situation with students. Remind them that each group has to decide which four people will have to be eliminated from the expedition. Point out that the six people they choose to go on expedition must be able to work together to complete this important task.

Distribute copies of the “Planet Exploration Biographies” activity sheet. Explain that this is all they know about the 10 people. Read the sheet out loud:

  • Bookkeeper, 31 years old
  • Second-year medical student
  • Famous historian, 42 years old
  • Social Media Influencer 
  • Hollywood star, actor/actress
  • Biochemist
  • Member of the clergy, 54 years old
  • Olympic athlete in track and field, world-class triathlete
  • University student
  • Firefighter

3. Students develop a list of questions to answer.

Explain to students that their task is to decide what they need to know in order to make the decision. They must develop a series of questions that will elicit the information they need about each person. Allow students 10 minutes to prepare their lists of questions.

4. Groups interview the planet exploration characters.

Explain to the class that the teams are able to communicate with the planet exploration team, so they will be able to ask reasonable questions of each of the individuals involved.

Ask the 10 volunteers to stand. Introduce each one as the character they are portraying.

Have the actors circulate among the groups for a few minutes and answer questions. Remind the actors that if they do not have information on the hidden bio to answer a specific question, they must make up an answer that is consistent with the character. Tell actors to write down the made-up information they give out so all groups that ask similar questions get similar answers. Instruct group members to take notes on the information they learn from the characters.

When time has expired, have students put all their materials in their group plastic sleeves. 


2 Minutes

Ask students what they must do in order to make well-informed decisions. Ask students to explain the importance of discerning between relevant and irrelevant information. Elicit from students the following key points that were taught in this lesson:

  • To make an informed decision, gather relevant information and ignore information that does not apply to the situation.
  • Our own experiences can guide us to appropriate sources of information.
  • Collect information from varied sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Student Assessment

  1. Imagine that you have been chosen to plan a class trip. List the information that you need to gather and how and where you would get this information.
  2. Explain the differences between relevant and irrelevant information. List examples of relevant and irrelevant information in planning the class trip.

Extensions for Lesson 2: Gathering Information

Using Quotations

“Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” 

Have students explain the quote. 

Additional Activity

Invite the principal to speak to the class about choices they make, factors they consider in decision making, whom they consult, etc.

Addressing Multiple Learning Modes

Have students choose a filmmaker and research the decisions they made to produce their film.

Using Technology

Have students search and watch trailers of movies about individuals pursuing their dreams. Can any factors about the decisions to pursue their dreams be ascertained from the trailer?


Have students identify and explain one major decision made by a government official.

Writing in Your Journal

Have students write about a decision they must soon make. Tell them to list possible sources of information that might help them make their decisions.

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