Overcoming Obstacles

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Lesson 1: Identifying A Learning Preference


  • Students will recognize that there are multiple ways to learn.

  • Students will identify a learning preference. 

  • Students will use a learning preference to master new content.


  • One copy of Activity Sheet 1 Learning Preferences


3 Minutes

Write on the board the names of famous people from different fields who have/had considerable talent (e.g., Albert Einstein, Paul McCartney, Toni Morrison, Vincent Van Gogh, Ian Thorpe, Mahatma Gandhi).

Ask students who they think is/was the smartest. Why do they think that? Lead students to recognize that it is difficult to assess who on that list is/was the smartest, because each has/had great talent in a different area. Explain that there are many different ways of learning and that different people excel in different areas. This lesson will help students identify a learning preference.

Tell students that each individual on the list excelled in one of the following areas:

  • Logical-mathematical (math)
  • Musical (music and rhythm)
  • Linguistic (language)
  • Spatial (visual)
  • Bodily-kinesthetic (athletic, body)
  • Interpersonal (people)
  • Intrapersonal (emotional)

Explain that each area of learning is different and requires a different set of skills and capacities.

Part I: How Do I Learn?

15 Minutes

Purpose: Students recognize the importance of understanding there are many ways to learn. 

1. Students recognize the importance of identifying a learning preference.

Ask students to explain why identifying a learning preference might be useful. Lead students to recognize that identifying their learning preference will enable them to develop study practices that will help them learn more effectively. This awareness will also help students to study in a manner that will assist them to retain information.

Part II: What Do We Do Best?

10 Minutes

Purpose: Students identify learning and study methods that target learning preferences. 

1. Students review list of learning preferences .

Show students a list of learning preferences that teachers utilize to make engaging lessons and students utilize when studying for maximum retainment of knowledge. Explain how students learn best when preferences are mixed and combined.

2. Students brainstorm study methods that use or combine learning preferences

Students get creative and devise a class and teacher accessible (Google Docs) list of realistic study strategies for various subjects. For example: Watch a Youtube Video or tutorial that breaks down relevant concepts, discuss and note key points with a partner. Draw diagrams or flowcharts for difficult concepts, play Jeopardy with these concepts, have the answer/write the question. Mnemonics for scientific terms, create a rap or listen to a version of this concept in song on youtube. Stuck with writing a narrative? Look at Pobble 365’s one picture/story starter and say aloud a 2-minute narrative when doing a meaningless task – walking to the bus, getting dressed, eating breakfast.

Students get creative and devise a class and teacher accessible (Google Doc) list of realistic classroom strategies to improve student engagement in subjects. If students like some of their ideas, they can professionally approach a teacher with examples and reasoning. For example: Placemat consensus—a group of students explore the text independently then collaboratively discuss key points and information. Watch video/s that engage in the current learnings an create a sticky note wall that explores terms/characters/dates etc. Visit geographical sites being explored, take photos, and consult with knowledgeable locals. Students research concepts before attending class and have a base level knowledge so class time can be a practical/hands-on inquiry.


2 Minutes

Ask students why it is important to recognize their learning preferences. Elicit from students the following key points that were taught in this lesson:

  • There are many different ways of learning.
  • Identifying our own preferred learning styles enables us to develop study practices that will help us learn more effectively.

Student Assessment

  1. Which learning preference/s do you most use now? Which learning preference/s do you wish to engage with in the future? Why?
  2. When working with others, would it be helpful to know their learning styles? Why or why not?

Extensions for Lesson 1: Identifying A Learning Preference

Using Quotations

“Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” 

Discuss how ignorance and ego affect learning. 

Addressing Multiple Learning Modes

Think Pair Share. Have students pick a topic they are passionate about then pair and share with a partner. Students ask probing questions of their partner to shape new understanding of the partners’ topic.

Writing in Your Journal

Have students write two paragraphs with the following starters: “I learn best when…” and “I have difficulty learning when…”

Using Technology

Have students research diagnosed learning difficulties and how it impacts learning.


Have students refer to their study plan and add an asterisk to the sessions in which they will try the new strategies to study based on learning preferences they devised in today’s lesson.

Additional Activity

Students review and implement study strategies to improve their memory. Eg. Visualise the concept and take a mental image or consolidate information to avoid forgetting.

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