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My Top 10 Short Overcoming Obstacles Activities

Posted: December 7, 2018

By Rossana Villaflor, Teacher

As teachers, we are constantly looking for ways to maximize our limited instructional time with our students. To help make the best of our fast-paced schedules, I would like to share my top 10 Overcoming Obstacles Middle School activities that can be taught in under 30-minutes. I’ve organized my list into three categories that prompt students to think smart, talk smart, and act smart.

To get the class thinking…

Sometimes, I need a short activity to spark my students’ imagination – to get them daring to dream or thinking “outside the box.” Here is a list of some of my go-to activities that get my students to think on their feet and/or stop and reflect! Even if I conduct the same activities more than once with my students, I always find that there is no shortage of new answers and thoughts from them, or previous thoughts to revisit.

  • “If I Were…” Getting Started, Lesson 1, Page 5 (20 minutes)
  • “Step This Way” Goal Setting, Lesson 2, Page 202 (20 minutes)

One of the best ways for students to know who they are and understand each other is to learn how to think conceptually. The first activity offers a quick challenge for students to personify themselves in other characters or objects. The second activity offers students a realistic approach to their transforming a dream or ambition into a goal.

To get the class talking…

These activities can be implemented within short sessions at the beginning of class, or at the end of class as a wrap-up discussion. The activities are also easy to align to a topic or theme in your content classes.

  • “Why A Debate?” Communication, Lesson 5, Page 128 (5 minutes)
  • “How It Will Work” Communication, Lesson 5, Page 129 (10 minutes)
  • “Express Yourself!” Lesson 5, Page 130 (30 minutes)

The holiday season gives students the opportunity to spend more time with family and relatives. Sometimes family members find themselves arguing over controversial topics or current events. Students can avoid conflict when they learn how to calmly and respectfully express themselves. And they can practice speaking with those whom they may not agree.

To get the class moving…

A quiet class isn’t necessarily a productive class. Teachers know that students need to be actively engaged in order to make their learning process meaningful and memorable. These activities motivate students to interact in positive ways and bond with each other. I recommend preparing the minimal supplies you will need ahead of time, such as a masking tape for the maze, or copies of the activity sheets for the students – believe me it will be worth it!

  • “People Bingo” Confidence Building, Lesson 2, Page 42 (15 minutes)
  • “Tall Towers” Problem Solving, Lesson 4, Page 352 (10 minutes)
  • “Untying the Knot” Getting Started, Lesson 1, Page 6 (10 minutes)
  • “The Maze” Goal Setting, Lesson 4, Page 214 (20 minutes)
  • “Silent Movies” Communication, Lesson 1, Page 102 (15 minutes)

Now that you know my top 10 short activities, I invite you to try them out and share what you think! Perhaps you can make your own list to recommend to other educators? As the saying goes, “Sharing is caring!”

You can download all of the lessons and activities mentioned in this post by logging in to your account. If you don’t yet have one, registering is fast, easy, and free—now and forever. Click here to get started. And if you think other educators would find our life skills lessons beneficial for their students, please let them know about Overcoming Obstacles!